

Asisstant Professor Katja CRNOGAJ, PhD

Member of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
Member of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Economics

Office: K-115
Phone: ++386 (0)2 22 90 263
E-mail: katja.crnogaj@um.si

Curriculum Vitae

Katja Crnogaj, Ph.D., is an assistant in the department of Entrepreneurship and Business Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor. During her regular education, she obtained professional experience from occasionally working in economic business firms. As a young researcher and member of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, she is currently involved in several national and international research projects. Furthermore, she is a member of the research group Slovenian Entrepreneurship Observatory and Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Her main research interests include entrepreneurship determinants and their link to economic and social progress, entrepreneurship measures, international entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial networks and other fields in entrepreneurship and business economics.


  • Foundations of Business Economics (Professional higher education programme);
  • Business Economics (University programme)
  • Managerial Economics (University programme)
  • International entrepreneurship (Master's programme)
  • Theories of the firm (Master's programme)

Research areas:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Business economics


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Unperceived opportunities: GEM Slovenia 2012

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GEM 2012 Global Report Launched in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The GEM 2012 Global Report was launched in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 17th January 2013. In the late spring and early summer of 2012, more than ...

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