Research activities


Selected Research activities of institute members



Scientific article

BELAK, Janko, DUH, Mojca. Integral management : key success factors in the MER model. Acta polytech. Hung., 2012, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 5-26.

BELAK, Jernej , MILFELNER, Borut. Enterprise culture as one of the enterpriseʼs key success factors (integral management approach) : does the internal and external cultural orientation matter?. Acta polytech. Hung., 2012, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 27-44.

BELAK, Jernej , DUH, Mojca, MILFELNER, Borut. The use of institutional measures for business ethics implementation in family and non-family businesses : does a family matter?. Afr. j. bus. manag., 2012, vol. 6, [no.] 1, pp. 430-440., doi: 10.5897/AJBM11.1755.

MILFELNER, Borut, BELAK, Jernej. Integral approach to enterprise culture as one of the enterprises' key success factors. Ekonomska istraživanja, Sep. 2012, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 620-643.

ŠIREC, Karin, MOČNIK, Dijana. Gender specifics in entrepreneurs' personal characteristics. J. East Eur. manag. stud., 2012, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 11-39.

BELAK, Jernej , PEVEC ROZMAN, Mateja. Business ethics from Aristotle, Kant and Mill's perspective. Kybernetes, 2012, vol. 41, no. 10, str. 1607-1624.

ŽENKO, Zdenka, MULEJ, Matjaž. Approach to requisite holistic socially responsible behavior with Dialectical Systems Theory. Mei Zhong gong gong guan li, 2012, vol.9, no. 2, pp. 183-194.

TOMINC, Polona, REBERNIK, Miroslav. Komparativna analiza podjetniške aktivnosti z globalnim indeksom podjetništva in razvoja - GEDI = Comparative analysis of entrepreneurship using the Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index (GEDI). Naše gospodarstvo, 2012, 58, no. 1/2, pp. 55-63.

Scientific conference contribution

MULEJ, Matjaž, HRAST, Anita, ŽENKO, Zdenka. An information-based view at the communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Comittee and the Committee of the regions : a renewed EU strategy 2011-2014 for the Corporate social responsibility (EU 2011). In: DOUCEK, Petr (ed.), CHROUST, Gerhard (ed.), OŠKRDAL, Václav (ed.). 20th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks [also] IDIMT-2012, September 12-14, 2012, Jindřichův Hradec, Czech Republic. IDIMT-2012 : ICT support for complex systems, (Schriftenreihe Informatik, Bd. 38). Linz: Johannes Kepler Universität, 2012, pp. 231-241.

ŠIREC, Karin. Conceptual model to manage tacit knowledge. In: BACHER, Urban (ed.), BARKOVIĆ, Dražen (ed.), DERNOSCHEG, Karl-Heinz (ed.), LAMZA-MARONIĆ, Maja (ed.), MATIĆ, Branko (ed.), PAP, Norbert (ed.), RUNZHEIMER, Bodo (ed.). International Conference Interdisciplinary Management Research VIII, Opatija, 11 - 13 May 2012. Interdisciplinary management research VIII, (Interdisziplinäre Managementforschung). Osijek: Faculty of Economics; Pforzheim: Hochschule, 2012, pp. 877-886.

BELAK, Jernej, DUH, Mojca, MILFELNER, Borut. Culture and dynamics of an enterprise. In: 10th International Conference on Management, enterprise and benchmarking, 2012, June 1-2, Budapest. MEB 2012 : proceedings. Budapest: Óbuda University, 2012, pp. 9-18.

ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, MULEJ, Matjaž, STERNAD, Simona. Values toward social responsibility - golden thread for future enterprise competitiveness. In: 10th International Conference on Management, enterprise and benchmarking, 2012, June 1-2, Budapest. MEB 2012 : proceedings. Budapest: Óbuda University, 2012, pp. 161-173.

LETONJA, Marina, DUH, Mojca, ŽENKO, Zdenka. Importance of transferring tacit and experiential knowledge as well as social capital of founders for innovativeness of successors in smaller family firms. In: 10th International Conference on Management, enterprise and benchmarking, 2012, June 1-2, Budapest. MEB 2012 : proceedings. Budapest: Óbuda University, 2012, pp. 223-234.

ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, MULEJ, Matjaž, STERNAD, Simona. Responsible enterprise policy for better stakeholder quality of life. In: MULEJ, Matjaž (ed.), HRAST, Anita (ed.), KOJC, Sabina (ed.), POTOČNIK, Amna (ed.). 1st Chance4change International Conference Overcoming and Preventing Stress in the Individual & Quality of Life/Well-being in Urban Areas, Maribor, Slovenia, September 2012. Overcoming and preventing stress in the individual & quality of life, well-being in urban areas : conference proceedings, (Zbirka Družbena odgovornost). Maribor: Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti (IRDO): Mariborska razvojna agencija (MRA), 2012, [7] pp.

ŠIREC, Karin, MOČNIK, Dijana. Determinants of the level of entrepreneurial growth : empirical evidence from Slovenian high-growth firms. In: RENT XXVI : conference papers. [S.l.: s.n.], 2012, [20] pp.

CRNOGAJ, Katja, REBERNIK, Miroslav. Innovation-oriented entrepreneurship and socio-economic development. In: 2nd International Conference REDETE 2012, Banja Luka, RS - BiH, October 25-27, 2012. Researching economic development and enterpreneurship in transitional economies. Banja Luka: Faculty of Economics, 2012, pp. 131-143.

ŠIREC, Karin, MOČNIK, Dijana. Growth aspirations of the early-stage entrepreneurs : empirical investigation of the Southeast European countries. In: 2nd International Conference REDETE 2012, Banja Luka, RS - BiH, October 25-27, 2012. Researching economic development and enterpreneurship in transitional economies. Banja Luka: Faculty of Economics, 2012, pp. 345-356.

ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, MULEJ, Matjaž, STERNAD, Simona. Enterprise ethics as a necessary paradigm for enterprise's development. In: 2nd International Conference REDETE 2012, Banja Luka, RS - BiH, October 25-27, 2012. Researching economic development and enterpreneurship in transitional economies. Banja Luka: Faculty of Economics, 2012, pp. 691-700.

Book chapter

DUH, Mojca. Family businesses : the extensiveness of succession problems and possible solutions. In: BURGER-HELMCHEN, Thierry (ed.). Entrepreneurship - gender, geographies and social context. Rijeka: InTech, 2012, pp. 209-234. http://www.intechopen. com/books/entrepreneurship-gender-geographies-and-social-context/family-businesses-the-extensiveness-of-succession-problems-and-possible-sol utions.

ŠIREC, Karin, TOMINC, Polona, REBERNIK, Miroslav. Innovation driven growth aspirations of Slovenian early-stage entrepreneurs. In: DABIĆ, Marina, POTOČAN, Vojko, NEDELKO, Zlatko, ŠIREC, Karin, TOMINC, Polona, REBERNIK, Miroslav. Entrepreneurship and innovation. Maribor: Faculty of Economics and Business; Zagreb: Faculty of Economics and Business, 2012, pp. 143-158.

ŠIREC, Karin, REBERNIK, Miroslav, BRADAČ, Barbara. Managing tacit knowledge in strategic outsourcing. In: HOU, Huei-Tse (ed.). New research on knowledge management models and methods. Rijeka: InTech, 2012, pp. 111-128.


REBERNIK, Miroslav, ŠIREC, Karin, TOMINC, Polona, MOČNIK, Dijana, BRADAČ, Barbara, KOREZ-VIDE, Romana, ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, HAUPTMAN, Lidija, ŠIREC, Karin (ed.), REBERNIK, Miroslav (ed.). Razvojni potenciali slovenskega podjetništva : slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2011/12, (Slovenski podjetniški observatorij). Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, 2012. 116 pp., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-6802-11-6.

REBERNIK, Miroslav, TOMINC, Polona, CRNOGAJ, Katja. Usihanje podjetništva v Sloveniji : GEM Slovenija 2011, (Slovenski podjetniški observatorij). Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, 2012. 134 pp., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-6802-13-0.



Scientific article

DUH, Mojca, ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša. The integration and requisite holism of the enterprises' governance and management as preconditions for coping with global environmental changes. Acta polytech. Hung., 2011, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 41-60.

BELAK, Jernej, MILFELNER, Borut. Informal and formal institutional measures of business ethics implementation at different stages of enterprise life cycle. Acta polytech. Hung., 2011, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 105-122.

BRADAČ, Barbara, REBERNIK, Miroslav. Analysis of administrative burdens for companies in selected SEE countries. An. ştiinţ. Univ. "Al.I. Cuza" Iaşi, Ştiinţe econ., 2011, tom. 58, pp. [191]-201.

ŽENKO, Zdenka, MULEJ, Matjaž. Innovating measurement of economic success for more accurate information = Inoviranje merjenja ekonomskega uspeha za bolj ustrezne informacije. Naše gospodarstvo, 2011, 57, no. 5/6, pp. 11-19.
BELAK, Jernej, HAUPTMAN, Lidija. Integral management approach : business ethics and tax accounting as important enterprise success factors. Afr. j. bus. manag., 2011, vol. 5, [no.] 35, pp. 13449-13509.

ŽENKO, Zdenka, MULEJ, Matjaž. Diffusion of innovative behaviour with social responsibility. Kybernetes, 2011, vol. 40, no. 9/10, pp. 1258-1272.

ŠIREC, Karin. Izzivi in predlog multidimenzionalnega modela proučevanja rasti malih in srednje velikih podjetij = Challenges and suggestions of multidimensional model in studying MSEs' growth. Naše gospodartsvo, 2011, 57, no. 5/6, pp. 20-29.

BRADAČ, Barbara. Izzivi proučevanja zunanjega izvajanja z vidika teoretičnih izhodišč = Theoretical backgrounds of outsourcing research. Naše gospodarstvo, 2011, 57, no. 5/6, pp. 30-39.

ŠIREC, Karin, REBERNIK, Miroslav. Izobraževanje za podjetnost in podjetništvo. Pedagoška obzorja, 2011, 26, [no.] 4, pp. 129-145.

Scientific conference contribution

ŠIREC, Karin, CRNOGAJ, Katja. Doprinos dinamičkih poduzeća kao izazov za kreatore ekonomske politike = Contribution of dynamic companies as a challenge for policy makers. In: 2. Međunarodna naučna konferencija 'Ekonomija integracija', Tuzla, 8.-9. 12. 2011. 2. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Ekonomija integracija" : izazovi i perspektive integracija zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope : zbornik međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa, Ekonomski fakultet Tuzla, 8.-9. 12. 2011 : =proceedings of the International scientific conference, Faculty of Economics Tuzla, 8 and 9 December 2011. Tuzla: Univerzitet, Ekonomski fakultet, 2011.

TOMINC, Polona, REBERNIK, Miroslav. Entrepreneurship and development in Southeast Europe : global entrepreneurship monitor evidence. In: 2. Međunarodna naučna konferencija 'Ekonomija integracija', Tuzla, 8.-9. 12. 2011. 2. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Ekonomija integracija" : izazovi i perspektive integracija zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope : zbornik međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa, Ekonomski fakultet Tuzla, 8.-9. 12. 2011 : =proceedings of the International scientific conference, Faculty of Economics Tuzla, 8 and 9 December 2011. Tuzla: Univerzitet, Ekonomski fakultet, 2011.

BRADAČ, Barbara, REBERNIK, Miroslav. Outsourcing of R&D and innovation activities in SMEs : evidence from Slovenia. In: 2. Međunarodna naučna konferencija 'Ekonomija integracija', Tuzla, 8.-9. 12. 2011. 2. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Ekonomija integracija" : izazovi i perspektive integracija zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope : zbornik međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa, Ekonomski fakultet Tuzla, 8.-9. 12. 2011 : =proceedings of the International scientific conference, Faculty of Economics Tuzla, 8 and 9 December 2011. Tuzla: Univerzitet, Ekonomski fakultet, 2011.

HAUPTMAN, Lidija, BELAK, Jernej. Porezno računovodstvo i poslovna etika u korporativnom upravljanju državnih poduzeća = Tax accounting and business ethics in corporate governance of state-owned enterprises. In: 2. Međunarodna naučna konferencija 'Ekonomija integracija', Tuzla, 8.-9. 12. 2011. 2. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "Ekonomija integracija" : izazovi i perspektive integracija zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope : zbornik međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa, Ekonomski fakultet Tuzla, 8.-9. 12. 2011 : =proceedings of the International scientific conference, Faculty of Economics Tuzla, 8 and 9 December 2011. Tuzla: Univerzitet, Ekonomski fakultet, 2011.

ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša. Strategic management and innovativeness for better (global) business competitiveness : case of Slovenia. In: 8th International Conference Economic Integration, Competition and Cooperation, [Opatija - Croatia, April 7-8, 2011]. [Compact disc ed.]. Rijeka [etc.]: Faculty of Economics [etc.], 2011.

BRADAČ, Barbara, REBERNIK, Miroslav. Innovation challenges facing companies in Croatia and Slovenia. In: Challenges of Europe : growth and competitiveness - reversing the trends, (Challenges in Europe). Split: University of Split, Faculty of Economics, 2011, pp. 105-118.

ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša. Innovative strategic management - coordinates for new (after) crisis challenges. In: Crises after the crisis : inquiries from a national, european and global perspective. Sibiu: "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, 2011, pp. 390-399.

ŠIREC, Karin, REBERNIK, Miroslav. Podjetnost kot ključna sestavina človeškega kapitala = Entrepreneurship as a key ingredient of a human capital. In: STARC, Jasmina (ed.). Človeški kapital kot vir uspeha v procesu globalizacije : zbornik prispevkov : mednarodna znanstvena konferenca : collection of scientific papers : international scientific conference, Novo mesto, 24. in 25. marec 2011. Novo mesto: Fakulteta za poslovne in upravne vede: Visoka šola za upravljanje in poslovanje, 2011, pp. 455-462.

PUŠNIK, Ksenja, TOMINC, Polona, REBERNIK, Miroslav. Is a social entrepreneur one of the possible responses to the growing uncertainty in the global economy?. In: AFRIĆ RAKITOVAC, Kristina (ed.). Entrepreneurship and macroeconomic management : reflections on the world in turmoil : conference proceedings. Pula: Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Department of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković", 2011, pp. 476-502.

BRADAČ, Barbara, REBERNIK, Miroslav. Administrative procedures in public administration as an obstacle to the operating of SMEs : comparison of EU and selected SEE countries. In: POLENAKOVIK, Radmil (ed.), JOVANOVSKI, Bojan (ed.), VELKOVSKI, Trajce (ed.). ICEIRD 2011 : 4th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development, 5th-7th May 2011, Ohrid, Macedonia : [CD with full papers]. Skopje: National Centre for Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Learning, 2011, pp. 418-424.

BELAK, Jernej, HAUPTMAN, Lidija. Pay taxes for being well! Business ethics and tax accounting as important enterprise success factors. In: DOUCEK, Petr (ed.), CHROUST, Gerhard (ed.), OŠKRDAL, Václav (ed.). 19th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks [also] IDIMT-2011, September 7-9, 2011, Jindřichův Hradec, Czech Republic. IDIMT-2011 : interdisciplinarity in complex systems, (Schriftenreihe Informatik, Bd. 36). Linz: Johannes Kepler Universität, Institut für Systems Engineering & Automation, 2011, pp. 191-198.

ŠAROTAR ŽIŽEK, Simona, ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, MULEJ, Matjaž. Enterprise policy for social responsibility and enterprise stakeholder well-being. In: DOUCEK, Petr (ed.), CHROUST, Gerhard (ed.), OŠKRDAL, Václav (ed.). 19th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks [also] IDIMT-2011, September 7-9, 2011, Jindřichův Hradec, Czech Republic. IDIMT-2011 : interdisciplinarity in complex systems, (Schriftenreihe Informatik, Bd. 36). Linz: Johannes Kepler Universität, Institut für Systems Engineering & Automation, 2011, pp. 233-242.

ŠIREC, Karin, REBERNIK, Miroslav. The impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions of students. In: POTOČAN, Vojko (ed.), DABIĆ, Marina (ed.). International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Education, Innovations, [Maribor], June 30-July 1, 2011 : ENEDIN 2011. Maribor: Faculty of Economics and Business, 2011, pp. 125-141.

BORŠIČ, Darja, ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša. Evropska solidarnost za rešitev dolžniške krize v Grčiji. In: BREZOVEC, Aleksandra (ed.), MEKINC, Janez (ed.). Management, izobraževanje in turizem : solidarnost za socialni kapital : 3. znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo, 20.-21. oktober 2011, Portorož : zbornik referatov = proceedings. Portorož: Turistica, Fakulteta za turistične študije, 2011.

ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, MULEJ, Matjaž. Inovativna in ustvarjalna kultura podjetja = Innovative and creative enterprise culture. In: BREZOVEC, Aleksandra (ed.), MEKINC, Janez (ed.). Management, izobraževanje in turizem : solidarnost za socialni kapital : 3. znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo, 20.-21. oktober 2011, Portorož : zbornik referatov = proceedings. Portorož: Turistica, Fakulteta za turistične študije, 2011.

ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, MULEJ, Matjaž. Poslovne strategije kot način uresničevanja politike podjetja = Business strategies for corporate governance realisation. In BREZOVEC, Aleksandra (ed.), MEKINC, Janez (ed.). Management, izobraževanje in turizem : solidarnost za socialni kapital : 3. znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo, 20.-21. oktober 2011, Portorož : zbornik referatov = proceedings. Portorož: Turistica, Fakulteta za turistične študije, 2011.

BORŠIČ, Darja, ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša. Vrednote in stopnja zaposlenosti v Sloveniji. In: BREZOVEC, Aleksandra (ed.), MEKINC, Janez (ed.). Management, izobraževanje in turizem : solidarnost za socialni kapital : 3. znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo, 20.-21. oktober 2011, Portorož : zbornik referatov = proceedings. Portorož: Turistica, Fakulteta za turistične študije, 2011.

BELAK, Janko, DUH, Mojca. MER model of integral management : its improvement with enterprises' key success factors. In: 9th International Conference on Management, enterprise and benchmarking, 2011, June 3-4, Budapest. MEB 2011 : proceedings. Budapest: Óbuda University, 2011, pp. 9-20.

BELAK, Jernej, MILFELNER, Borut. MER model of integral management : culture as enterprise's key success factor. In: 9th International Conference on Management, enterprise and benchmarking, 2011, June 3-4, Budapest. MEB 2011 : proceedings. Budapest: Óbuda University, 2011, pp. 143-156.

ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, MULEJ, Matjaž. Better performance through enterprise governance and management process innovation. In: 9th International Conference on Management, enterprise and benchmarking, 2011, June 3-4, Budapest. MEB 2011 : proceedings. Budapest: Óbuda University, 2011, pp. 217-226.

BRADAČ, Barbara. Upravljanje z raziskovalno-razvojnimi aktivnostmi v slovenskih MSP = Managing R&D Activities in Slovenian SMEs. In: FERJAN, Marko (ed.), KLJAJIĆ BORŠTNAR, Mirjana (ed.), PUCIHAR, Andreja (ed.). 30. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti, Slovenija, Portož, 23.-25. marec 2011. Organizacija prihodnosti : zbornik 30. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti, Slovenija, Portorož, 23.-25. marec 2011 : proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Organizational Science Development. Kranj: Moderna organizacija, 2011, pp. 107-114.

CRNOGAJ, Katja, ŠIREC, Karin. Rast MSP v povezavi s strateško in konkurenčno naravnanostjo = SME Growth and Strategic-Competitive Orientation. In: FERJAN, Marko (ed.), KLJAJIĆ BORŠTNAR, Mirjana (ed.), PUCIHAR, Andreja (ed.). 30. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti, Slovenija, Portož, 23.-25. marec 2011. Organizacija prihodnosti : zbornik 30. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti, Slovenija, Portorož, 23.-25. marec 2011 : proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Organizational Science Development. Kranj: Moderna organizacija, 2011, pp. 156-164.

MOČNIK, Dijana. Users' perceived value of e-services = Zaznana vrednost uporabnikov e-storitev. In: FERJAN, Marko (ed.), KLJAJIĆ BORŠTNAR, Mirjana (ed.), PUCIHAR, Andreja (ed.). 30. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti, Slovenija, Portož, 23.-25. marec 2011. Organizacija prihodnosti : zbornik 30. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti, Slovenija, Portorož, 23.-25. marec 2011 : proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Organizational Science Development. Kranj: Moderna organizacija, 2011, pp. 892-899.

ŽENKO, Zdenka, MULEJ, Matjaž. Promotion of social responsibility - invention aimed to become innovation by systemic behavior = Seul un comportement systémique, par la création et l'émergence de l'innovation, permettra, localement et globalement, d'accroître la responsabilité sociale des acteurs économiques et politiques et des citoyens. V: Special issue of the 8th congress Approche systémique de la diversité : du savoir á la pratique - de la pratique au savoir, (Acta Europeana Systemica, Vol. 1, Special issue, 2011). Bruxelles: Union Européenne de Systémique: = European Union for Systemics, 2011.

REBERNIK, Miroslav, TOMINC, Polona, PUŠNIK, Ksenja. Social entrepreneurship as remedy for growing uncertainty. In: LASKER, George Eric (ed.), HIWAKI, Kensei (ed.). Sustainable development and global community. Vol. XII : social time-space constraints and sustainable development .... Windsor (Ont., Canada): International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, cop. 2011, pp. 15-19.

ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, MULEJ, Matjaž. Enterprise (stakeholder) values as a frame/criteria for enterprise policy estimation. In: HRAST, Anita (ed.), KOJC, Sabina (ed.), FIŠTRAVEC, Andrej (ed.), MULEJ, Matjaž (ed.), NATERER, Andrej (ed.). Youth in focus of world changes : conference proceedings : zbornik prispevkov, (Zbirka Družbena odgovornost). Maribor: Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti (IRDO), 2011, [7] pp.

ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, MULEJ, Matjaž. Essential elements of a permanently young enterprise's culture. In: HRAST, Anita (ed.), KOJC, Sabina (ed.), FIŠTRAVEC, Andrej (ed.), MULEJ, Matjaž (ed.), NATERER, Andrej (ed.). Youth in focus of world changes : conference proceedings : zbornik prispevkov, (Zbirka Družbena odgovornost). Maribor: Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti (IRDO), 2011, [7] pp.

Book chapter

REBERNIK, Miroslav, BRADAČ, Barbara. From making the state to institutionalizing entrepreneurship policy in Slovenia. In: WELTER, Friederike (ed.), SMALLBONE, David (ed.). Handbook of research on entrepreneurship policies in Central and Eastern Europe. Cheltenham; Northampton: Edvard Elgar, cop. 2011, pp. 141-165.

MULEJ, Matjaž, REBERNIK, Miroslav. Modelling the innovative new venturing process in terms of dialectical systemic thinking. In: HINDLE, Kevin (ed.), KLYVER, Kim (ed.). Handbook of research on new venture creation. Cheltenham; Northampton: Edward Elgar, cop. 2011, pp. 130-144.


BAŠIĆ, Maja, DABIĆ, Marina, PURIFICACIÓN GARCÍA, María, GASPAR, Fernando, GAWEŁ, Aleksandra, GUTIÉRREZ, Pablo, HUEBER, Olivier, JANKOWSKA, Barbara, LANERO, Ana, MARTIN, Lynn, NAUSEDAITE, Reda, OMAZIĆ, Mislav Ante, PIETRZYKOWSKI, Maciej, PUNDZIENE, Asta, REBERNIK, Miroslav, SCHOFIELD, Clare, SINDLER, Alexandra, ŠIREC, Karin, VÁZQUEZ, José Luis, VLAHOV, Rebeka Danijela, DABIĆ, Marina (ed.), PIETRZYKOWSKI, Maciej (ed.). Fostering education in entrepreneurship. Poznań: Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 2011. 201 pp., ilustr. ISBN 978-83-62662-54-8.

REBERNIK, Miroslav, TOMINC, Polona, CRNOGAJ, Katja. Podjetniška aktivnost, aspiracije in odnos do podjetništva : GEM Slovenija 2010, (Slovenski podjetniški observatorij). Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, 2011. 120 pp. ISBN 978-961-6802-04-8.



Scientific article

BRADAČ, Barbara. Correlation between reasons and effects of outsourcing : evidence from Slovenian SME's. An. ştiinţ. Univ. "Al.I. Cuza" Iaşi, Ştiinţe econ., 2010, tom. 57, pp. [313]-324.

MOČNIK, Dijana. Factors that impact internet use and are sensitive to income : cross-country empirical evidence. Društvena istraživanja (Zagreb), 2010, 19, no. 3, pp. 333-354.

MOČNIK, Dijana. Determinants of firm entries : empirical evidence for Slovenia. Econ. bus. rev, 2010, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 129-145.

MOČNIK, Dijana. Poslovni model in informacijski sistemi. Elektrotehniški vestnik. [Print ed.], 2010, 77, no. 2/3, pp. 143-148.

MOČNIK, Dijana, ŠIREC, Karin. The determinants of internet use controlling for income level: cross-country empirical evidence. Inf. econ. policy. [Print ed.], Jul. 2010, vol. 22, iss. 3, pp. 243-256.

DUH, Mojca, BELAK, Jernej, MILFELNER, Borut. Core Values, Culture and Ethical Climate as Constitutional Elements of Ethical Behaviour: Exploring Differences Between Family and Non-Family Enterprises. J. bus. ethics, 2010, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. [473]-489.

BELAK, Jernej, DUH, Mojca, MULEJ, Matjaž, ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša. Requisitely holistic ethics planning as pre-condition for enterprise ethical behaviour. Kybernetes, 2010, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 19-36. pdf.

MOČNIK, Dijana. Achieving increased value for customers through mutual understanding between business and information systems communities. Managing global transitions, Summer 2010, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 187-205.

ŠIREC, Karin, MOČNIK, Dijana. How entrepreneurs' personal characteristics affect SMEs' growth = Vpliv podjetnikovih osebnih lastnosti na rast MSP. Naše gospodarstvo, 2010, 56, no. 1/2, pp. 3-12.

MOČNIK, Dijana. The impact of economic growth on the dynamics of enterprises : empirical evidence for Slovenia's non-agricultural sector. Organizacija (Kranj), jul.-avg. 2010, 43, no. 4, pp. 154-164.

TOMINC, Polona, REBERNIK, Miroslav. Connections of entrepreneurial capacity and openness towards innovations with the individual's decision to become an entrepreneur : a case from Slovenia. Soc. econ. (Print), 2010, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. [297]-313.

ŠIREC, Karin, CRNOGAJ, Katja. Diversity of Slovenian high-growth companies. USA-China business review, February 2010, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 1-16.

DUH, Mojca. Applying agency theory and the resource-based view in explaining performance differences between family and non-family businesses = Uporaba agencijske teorije in teorije proizvodnih virov pri razlagi razlik v uspešnosti med družinskimi in nedružinskimi podjetji. Naše gospodarstvo, 2010, 56, no. 1/2, pp. 45-52.

Scientific conference contribution

BELAK, Jernej, DUH, Mojca, MILFELNER, Borut. Informal and formal institutional measures of business ethics implementation : exploring differences between family and non-family enterprises. In: An enterprise odyssey : from crisis to prosperity - challenges for government and business : [proceedings]. Zagreb: Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb, 2010, pp. 1007-1021.

MULEJ, Matjaž, POTOČAN, Vojko, ŽENKO, Zdenka, ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, ŠAROTAR ŽIŽEK, Simona, HRAST, Anita. The global 2008- crisis and innovation of manager's attributes. In: TRAPPL, Robert (ed.). Twentieth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, University of Vienna, Austria, 6-9 April 2010. Cybernetics and systems 2010 : proceedings of the Twentieth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research. Vienna: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, cop. 2010, pp. 309-314.

BRADAČ, Barbara, ŠIREC, Karin. Vplivni dejavniki pri izločanju dejavnosti: analiza slovenskih podjetij = Factors that influence outsourcing decision: analysis of Slovenian companies. In: KERN, Tomaž (ed.), RAJKOVIČ, Vladislav (ed.), PAAPE, Björn (ed.), FERJAN, Marko (ed.). 29. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti, 24.-26. marec 2010, Portorož , Slovenija = 29th International Conference on Organizational Science Development, 24-26 March 2010, Portorož , Slovenia. Človek in organizacija : zbornik 29. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti : proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Organizational Science Development. Kranj: Moderna organizacija, 2010, pp. 179-185.

CRNOGAJ, Katja, ŠIREC, Karin. Poslovno in podjetniško mreženje slovenskih malih in srednje velikih podjetij = Business and entrepreneurial networking of Slovenian SMEs. In: KERN, Tomaž (ed.), RAJKOVIČ, Vladislav (ed.), PAAPE, Björn (ed.), FERJAN, Marko (ed.). 29. mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti, 24.-26. marec 2010, Portorož , Slovenija = 29th International Conference on Organizational Science Development, 24-26 March 2010, Portorož , Slovenia. Človek in organizacija : zbornik 29. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti : proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Organizational Science Development. Kranj: Moderna organizacija, 2010, pp. 259-269.

BELAK, Jernej. Aristotle, Kant and Mill as ethics officers : the case of Slovene enterprises. In: OŠKRDAL, Václav (ed.). IDIMT-2010, Information Technology - Human Values, Innovation and Economy, (Schriftenreihe Informatik, Bd. 32). Linz: Trauner: Johannes Kepler Universität: SEA Institut für Systems Engineering & Automation, 2010, pp. 273-281.

ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša. The influence of enterprise values, culture, ethics, and norms on its vision and thus long-term survival. In: OŠKRDAL, Václav (ed.). IDIMT-2010, Information Technology - Human Values, Innovation and Economy, (Schriftenreihe Informatik, Bd. 32). Linz: Trauner: Johannes Kepler Universität: SEA Institut für Systems Engineering & Automation, 2010, pp. 311-321.

ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, MULEJ, Matjaž. Različni vidiki poslovnih možnosti razvoja podjetja. In: BREZOVEC, Aleksandra (ed.), MEKINC, Janez (ed.). Management, izobraževanje in turizem : družbena odgovornost za trajnostni razvoj : 2. znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo, 21.-22. oktober 2010, Portorož : zbornik referatov = proceedings. Portorož: Turistica, Fakulteta za turistične študije, 2010, pp. 2068-2075.

ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, MULEJ, Matjaž. Inoviranje upravljanja in vodenja podjetja. In: BREZOVEC, Aleksandra (ed.), MEKINC, Janez (ed.). Management, izobraževanje in turizem : družbena odgovornost za trajnostni razvoj : 2. znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo, 21.-22. oktober 2010, Portorož : zbornik referatov = proceedings. Portorož: Turistica, Fakulteta za turistične študije, 2010, pp. 2076-2083.

DUH, Mojca, ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša. Requisitely holistic assessment of enterprises survival condition for coping with complex global environmental changes : the case of Slovenian enterprises. In: MEB 2010 : proceedings. Budapest: Óbuda University: = Óbudai Egyetem, 2010, pp. 33-52.

BELAK, Jernej, MILFELNER, Borut. Exploring Enterprise Life Cycle : Differences in Informal and Formal Institutional Measures of Business Ethics Implementation. In: MEB 2010 : proceedings. Budapest: Óbuda University: = Óbudai Egyetem, 2010, pp. 85-101.

MULEJ, Matjaž, POTOČAN, Vojko, ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, ŽENKO, Zdenka. Considering organizational topics, including finances, in synergy of several systems theories. In: PRACHALIAS, Chrisovaladis (ed.). Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Financial Economics, Samos Island, Greece, 01-03 July 2010. Athens: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2010, pp. 187-195.

ŠAROTAR ŽIŽEK, Simona, MULEJ, Matjaž, HRAST, Anita, TREVEN, Sonja, ŽENKO, Zdenka. Social responsibility and subjective well-being as ways of, and to, requisitely holistic/systemic behavior. In: ŠUŠTERŠIČ, Janez (ed.), SEDMAK, Suzana (ed.), NASTAV, Bojan (ed.), JEŽOVNIK, Alen (ed.). Social responsibility, professional ethics, and management : proceedings of the 11th international conference, (Management international conference). Koper: Faculty of Management, 2010, pp. 281-296.

MOČNIK, Dijana. E-marketplaces and customers' perceived value. In: BOHANEC, Marko (ed.), GAMS, Matjaž (ed.), RAJKOVIČ, Vladislav (ed.), URBANČIČ, Tanja (ed.), BERNIK, Mojca (ed.), MLADENIĆ, Dunja (ed.), GROBELNIK, Marko (ed.), HERIČKO, Marjan (ed.), KORDEŠ, Urban (ed.), MARKIČ, Olga (ed.), LENARČIČ, Jadran (ed.), ŽLAJPAH, Leon (ed.), GAMS, Andrej (ed.), BRODNIK, Andrej (ed.). Zbornik 13. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba - IS 2010, 11.-15. oktober 2010 : zvezek A : volume A, (Informacijska družba). Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan, 2010, pp. 235-238.

Book chapter

MULEJ, Matjaž, POTOČAN, Vojko, ŽENKO, Zdenka. Preconditions for requisite holism of information bases for the invention-innovation process management. In: Social, managerial, and organizational dimensions of enterprise information systems, (Premier reference source). Hershey (PA); New York: Business Science Reference: IGI Global, cop. 2010, pp. 400-414.

ŠIREC, Karin, REBERNIK, Miroslav. Razkoraki med slovenskim in evropskim podjetništvom. In: ŠIREC, Karin (ed.), REBERNIK, Miroslav (ed.), REBERNIK, Miroslav, ŠIREC, Karin, TOMINC, Polona, MOČNIK, Dijana, DUH, Mojca, RUS, Matej, BRADAČ, Barbara, CRNOGAJ, Katja, KNEZ-RIEDL, Jožica, KOREZ-VIDE, Romana, ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, BELAK, Jernej, STAMENČIĆ, Zoran. Vrzeli slovenskega podjetniškega okolja : slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2009/10, (Slovenski podjetniški observatorij). Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, 2010, pp. 7-15.

MOČNIK, Dijana. Temeljne značilnosti slovenskega podjetništva v primerjavi z evropskim. In: ŠIREC, Karin (ed.), REBERNIK, Miroslav (ed.), REBERNIK, Miroslav, ŠIREC, Karin, TOMINC, Polona, MOČNIK, Dijana, DUH, Mojca, RUS, Matej, BRADAČ, Barbara, CRNOGAJ, Katja, KNEZ-RIEDL, Jožica, KOREZ-VIDE, Romana, ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, BELAK, Jernej, STAMENČIĆ, Zoran. Vrzeli slovenskega podjetniškega okolja : slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2009/10, (Slovenski podjetniški observatorij). Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, 2010, pp. 17-44.

ŠIREC, Karin, CRNOGAJ, Katja. Slovenske gazele in njihov družbeno-ekonomski pomen. In: ŠIREC, Karin (ed.), REBERNIK, Miroslav (ed.), REBERNIK, Miroslav, ŠIREC, Karin, TOMINC, Polona, MOČNIK, Dijana, DUH, Mojca, RUS, Matej, BRADAČ, Barbara, CRNOGAJ, Katja, KNEZ-RIEDL, Jožica, KOREZ-VIDE, Romana, ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, BELAK, Jernej, STAMENČIĆ, Zoran. Vrzeli slovenskega podjetniškega okolja : slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2009/10, (Slovenski podjetniški observatorij). Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, 2010, pp. 45-60.

DUH, Mojca, BELAK, Jernej. Ustvarjanje pogojev za nastanek, razvoj in nasledstvo družinskih podjetij. In: ŠIREC, Karin (ed.), REBERNIK, Miroslav (ed.), REBERNIK, Miroslav, ŠIREC, Karin, TOMINC, Polona, MOČNIK, Dijana, DUH, Mojca, RUS, Matej, BRADAČ, Barbara, CRNOGAJ, Katja, KNEZ-RIEDL, Jožica, KOREZ-VIDE, Romana, ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, BELAK, Jernej, STAMENČIĆ, Zoran. Vrzeli slovenskega podjetniškega okolja : slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2009/10, (Slovenski podjetniški observatorij). Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, 2010, pp. 61-81

BRADAČ, Barbara, REBERNIK, Miroslav. Sodobna javna uprava za manj ovir MSP. In: ŠIREC, Karin (ed.), REBERNIK, Miroslav (ed.), REBERNIK, Miroslav, ŠIREC, Karin, TOMINC, Polona, MOČNIK, Dijana, DUH, Mojca, RUS, Matej, BRADAČ, Barbara, CRNOGAJ, Katja, KNEZ-RIEDL, Jožica, KOREZ-VIDE, Romana, ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, BELAK, Jernej, STAMENČIĆ, Zoran. Vrzeli slovenskega podjetniškega okolja : slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2009/10, (Slovenski podjetniški observatorij). Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, 2010, pp. 83-96.

RUS, Matej. Otežen dostop do virov financiranja v času krize. In: ŠIREC, Karin (ed.), REBERNIK, Miroslav (ed.), REBERNIK, Miroslav, ŠIREC, Karin, TOMINC, Polona, MOČNIK, Dijana, DUH, Mojca, RUS, Matej, BRADAČ, Barbara, CRNOGAJ, Katja, KNEZ-RIEDL, Jožica, KOREZ-VIDE, Romana, ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, BELAK, Jernej, STAMENČIĆ, Zoran. Vrzeli slovenskega podjetniškega okolja : slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2009/10, (Slovenski podjetniški observatorij). Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, 2010, pp. 97-112.

ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša. Znanje in inovacije slovenskih MSP za doseganje konkurenčne prednosti. In: ŠIREC, Karin (ed.), REBERNIK, Miroslav (ed.), REBERNIK, Miroslav, ŠIREC, Karin, TOMINC, Polona, MOČNIK, Dijana, DUH, Mojca, RUS, Matej, BRADAČ, Barbara, CRNOGAJ, Katja, KNEZ-RIEDL, Jožica, KOREZ-VIDE, Romana, ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, BELAK, Jernej, STAMENČIĆ, Zoran. Vrzeli slovenskega podjetniškega okolja : slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2009/10, (Slovenski podjetniški observatorij). Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, 2010, pp. 131-148.

STAMENČIĆ, Zoran, ŠIREC, Karin. Internacionalizacija MSP za dvig konkurenčnosti slovenskega gospodarstva. In: ŠIREC, Karin (ed.), REBERNIK, Miroslav (ed.), REBERNIK, Miroslav, ŠIREC, Karin, TOMINC, Polona, MOČNIK, Dijana, DUH, Mojca, RUS, Matej, BRADAČ, Barbara, CRNOGAJ, Katja, KNEZ-RIEDL, Jožica, KOREZ-VIDE, Romana, ŠTRUKELJ, Tjaša, BELAK, Jernej, STAMENČIĆ, Zoran. Vrzeli slovenskega podjetniškega okolja : slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2009/10, (Slovenski podjetniški observatorij). Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, 2010, pp. 167-185.

ŠIREC, Karin, TOMINC, Polona, REBERNIK, Miroslav. Gender differences in the growth aspirations and technology orientation of Slovenian entrepreneurs. In: BRUSH, Candida G. (ed.). Women entrepreneurs and the global environment for growth : a research perspective. Cheltenham; Northampton: Edward Elgar, cop. 2010, pp. 323-343.


REBERNIK, Miroslav, TOMINC, Polona, PUŠNIK, Ksenja. Slovensko podjetništvo v letu krize : GEM Slovenija 2009, (Slovenski podjetniški observatorij). Maribor: Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, 2010. 136 pp.


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